$SAKE Rallied 418% between 2 ILOs! $ECAT and $FOTO ILO both Sold out in 1 Minute
We are proud to announce that SakeSwap 2nd ILO EtherCats ($ECAT) sold out in one minute! The ECAT/ETH trading pair and farming pool are now available on SakeSwap. Data from Info.SakeSwap.finance shows that $ECAT surged 430% from the ILO price of 0.01 USDT to its new high at 0.043 USDT. And the ECAT/ETH pool liquidity is over $238K.
🔼 The rise of NFT ILO and $SAKE
SakeSwap is the №1 NFT Liquidity Platform. SakeSwap ILO brings more liquidity, grows active users, and fosters partnerships with NFT projects. The rising awareness of SakeSwap ILO is posing a very significant influence on the price of $SAKE token. $SAKE price rallied 418% between 2 ILOs. The current price is $0.28.

🍶Earn extra $SAKE with APY up to 800%+
To celebrate the successful launch of $ECAT ILO, ECAT-ETH farming pool is available on SakeSwap to reward liquidity providers.
Liquidity providers can stake ECAT-ETH LP to farm SAKE rewards. Farming Guide: https://sakeswap.gitbook.io/sakeswap-finance/farming-v2
SAKE tokens can entitle liquidity providers to continue earning the benefit of the protocol development, which means the early adopters will be significant stakeholders of SakeSwap.
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